Hot Take: Outside of extremely specific technical jobs, 90% of the white collar work force is basically lying about how hard their job is, which is why imposter syndrome is even a thing, because people have trouble accepting "Oh, literally any person can figure this out"
It's also creates a lot of people who instead of figuring out "oh literally no one knows anything and I'm now part of that club, lucky me" instead get focused on having to pretend they did something miraculous to obtain their nicely paid/high status role and don't actually learn.
Like it becomes this conservative "No, IIIIII deserve this because I worked the hardest" but it's like no, literally no one in America deserves their power and station, we exist purely in the context of world domination lol.
There's basically an entire 'empowerment' industry designed around exploiting people's egos to convince them that they're super special and they have a really important voice and it's like no we are all interchangeable our system would constantly fall apart otherwise.
It's okay to be boring. Accepting you're a boring human is typically just a healthy good thing to do.

People who are not boring spend their lives in pain and horrible situations wishing they were boring.

So just accept you're boring and have fun with it.
If you want to see a day by day accounting of Joe Biden v FDR because you're a sicko, check this out.

I'm 3 days behind atm.
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