Today is the 25th Anniversary of the signing of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

You might have heard of it lately.

So, because nobody asked, I made this 🧵of takes & smart people to talk to whose names don't rhyme with Dead Fuse or Mosh Crawley

First stop: Jeff Kosseff @jkosseff who wrote the authoritative book on the history of 230, "The Twenty Six Words That Created the Internet." It's chock-full of facts, deadly accurate, rigorous. We need more Jeffs doing descriptive legal work

In the 25 years of its existence, no one has so carefully covered its interpretation in the courts like @ericgoldman. In particular, his blog ( ) is an outstanding chronicle of case law.

Of course, there are also people who think 230 enables certain harms online by allowing companies to escape tort liability for content kept up on their site. Recently, those trying to stop sex trafficking online succeeded in a law to "clarify" 230's scope.

Being anti-sex trafficking online sounds clear cut, but it's actually complicated. Such legal reform has in fact harmed sex workers and many of the people it's trying to help. @KendraSerra @MissLoreleiLee and lots of others have talked about this tons

Finally, this is an incomplete list, and not a perfect summary of everyone's work -- I just wanted to put a diverse list of resources out there for people on a historic day.
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