The Power of Ruthlessness

Calculated ruthlessness is one of the most potent facets of the wise.

Ruthlessness is less about avoiding compassion and more about not letting pity guide you.
Not all ruthless people are psychopaths but all psychopaths are ruthless.

Thus, ruthless is not arrogance, it is more a indirect concealment of your disregard or rejection of another’s emotions.
There will be affairs in your life where you are doomed whichever way you go and to avoid exploitation would require a dose of ruthlessness to sustain face.

Ruthlessness is a burden to the emotional, but an aptitude to the detached.
The emotional are regulated by their sense of feeling, the detached are regulated by their sense of rationality and values unclouded by emotion.

The former is enslaved, the latter is lucid.
Ruthlessness, then, is the ability to make the necessary move in spite of the emotional warmth.

There will always be times where the right move and the ruthless move intersect and if you don’t have nerve, you will pay the price.
You can be both modest and ruthless, charismatic and arrogant. Such facets are applicable and employed contingent upon circumstance.

Reckless ruthlessness will backfire just as immoderate timidity will be exploited.
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