Interested in #naturalhistory sound? Here is a section from a BBC series I recently did. It's a dramatic scene of two Golden Sunb-nosed Monkey group leaders fighting. The most fundamental element is the wild recordings. I'd say 80% of the sync or camera sound is unusable 1/4
This can be for a long list of reasons, but usually its distance or unforgiving environment. I get all the wild recordings at the start of the project, I then edit, clean, and cataloge them. In the video, the wild recordings are orange and green. 2/4
You'll notice is how cut up they are. That's because I needed to match and emphasize the fast action on screen. But more importantly, I want to give character to each animal. You'd be surprised at the range of emotions you can percieve from one type of animal voclaisation 3/4
So when I catalogue each wild recording, I also note vocalizations as 'angry', 'shocked' to help me.

In a crowded scene like this, separation and distinction are important, so I pan vocalizations and foley more liberally. It also helps the audience to track the action
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