An effective online tool used by the upper-middle class insurrectionists preparing for the Jan. 6 "stop the steal" rally & US Capitol assault wasn't Parler, Gab, or Telegram. It was NextDoor, the app suburbanites use to track garage sales & "suspicious" activity 1/7
Take St. Charles County, MO, a rapidly-growing, affluent, pro-Trump suburb/exurb in the St. Louis metro. St. Chas. has a long reputation as home to angry white-flighters who fled N. StL city & county as they turned African-American, & put the MO River btw themselves & Blacks. 2/
NextDoor is organized by towns & neighborhoods, so I looked at one area, including neighborhoods that are part of the towns of St. Peters, Cottleville, Howell, & Harvester, near the MO River, across from St. Louis County. 3/
This particular NextDoor was used to organize a bus for dozens of people chartered by an area resident named Gordon Midgley to travel to DC, go to the rally, march on the Capitol, & then return to the St. Charles area. 4/
The drive to get people on the bus led to a lot of commentary supporting the lie that Trump actually "won" the election, phony claims about "fraud", & bug-eyed fear of "socialism", fairly standard stuff for people who attended TteasonFest in DC Jan. 6. 5/
Afterwards, at least one NextDoor-recruited participant was shell-shocked. It's not clear whether the disappointment was over violence, or failure to overturn the election and stop the Electoral College certification.. 6/
But some NextDoor users at the Capitol began peddling the lie that the deadly assault was b/c of "antifa". Gordon Midgley is the St. Chas. county businessman who organized the bus trip. His FB avatar is a graph of the fictional claim that WI computers gave the state to Biden 7/
Another person blaming "antifa" rather than pro-Trump right-wing seditionists is professional photographer Sara Marcellino from Wentzville, MO. From the angle of her shot, it appears Marcellino was inside the Capitol building when she shot video of violence below her. 8/
That Trump supporters both believe & spread lies is no surprise. Nor is them deflecting responsibility for the murderous assault on American democracy. What is worth noting is that these are upper-middle class suburbanites, & they used an organizing tool-NextDoor-made for them 9/
The seditious attempt to stop the Electoral Vote certification, the treasonous hunt for the VP & lawmakers, the murderous assault on Congress, used affluent suburbanites as foot soldiers, their rampage driven by disinformation & white "christian" rage. 10/
Over 40% of the 193 people charged so far in the Capitol assault are either business owners or white collar professionals. QAnon disinformation-inspired potential domestic terrorists live just down the cul-de-sac. 11/-end
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