I have no trouble with the Alexa ad, but are we "sure" there is not an issue of sexualization and sexism tied to Black men? Really, we are going to ignore history here? We are going to ignore centuries of Black men being portrayed as sexual beasts? We are really going to do this?
Before you come for me. Check yourself. Black men have been lynched, tortured, imprisoned and killed on the lie that our sexuality makes us dangerous. This is no oppression olympic thing, there are no winners here, but to pretend that sexism has not damaged Black men is wrong.
@Adage does not have the moral high ground to call anyone on that or do they? Most Black men may not see an issue with this image until the blue lights come on, but there is an issue. Hell, we still have White women traveling to Africa and the islands for sex with Black men.
Come on derek, it is an innocent commercial.

It is, and I laughed at it, but then I didn't. Not as the father of 2 black young men. There are too many stories of the sexualization of Black men leading to something horrible.
Balance. We cannot and should not dismiss the idea that this may border on something wrong. Yes, it's a joke, and a good one at that, but how many good jokes from the past have we revisited and labelled problematic? True equality demands we do this for all. Something to think on.
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