I urge you to read the entire item by a pastor friend as what happened in Australia is happening in the USA. Some excerpts: “...the Victorian government which has just decided to place itself squarely against the Church and the teachings of God's http://younggospelminister.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-church-outlasted-nero-and-it-will.html
word...I am speaking about the Victorian government passing legislation making gay conversion therapy illegal...You might think that this is a reasonable course of action for a caring conscientious government to take, banning outdated and potentially harmful practices,..
but the bill goes far beyond that ... they are making standard, orthodox Christian teaching and practices potentially prosecutable. As Mark Powell notes...a forbidden practise includes—but is not limited to—counselling or even offering prayer!” And to support this assertion,
here is a quote from the law itself..."carrying out a religious practice, including but not limited to, a prayer based practice, a deliverance practice or an exorcism… “…an Explanatory memo [on what is prosecutable]..adds this information: Conversion therapy/practices
reinforced homosexuality as a form of ‘brokenness’ and Church teachings that homosexuality is sinful.” Matt also discusses how Christians should respond. “...We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
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