Your daily reminder that the American healthcare/insurance industry is flawed and broken. Insulin costs alone should be all one needs to see this fact. I know people who go to Mexico to buy insulin in bulk because it’s that much cheaper there...
Do these companies actually care about people, or do they simply care about making money? The answer is obvious. The list price of a vial of insulin was $20 in 1996; it’s now around $275. Nothing has changed in that time, except the cost.
In case you are unaware, type 1 diabetes is not caused by something a person does or does not do. It’s an auto immune disorder. At some point my body decided to attack my pancreas. Now my body no longer makes insulin, as it should.
Without insulin imminent death is my only option. Type 1 diabetics require insulin to simply live day in and day out. Why does the government continue to allow the pharmaceutical companies to charge the prices they charge for an absolute necessity, or more accurately what
ought to be a right for those with T1D? Thanks for attending my TED Talk.
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