Some thoughts on Starmer's numbers today. One of those where there is a case for and a case against. Quick thread.
1/ Case for.

- Net satisfaction scores remain positive. 40% satisfied with Starmer overall. 35% dissatisfied. Rest don't know.

- 48% say he's changed Labour for the better. Just 4% say worse.

- Labour have narrowed a large gap in the polls in terms of voter preferences.
2/ Case against.

- They are still behind + 1/3 of 2019 Labour voters dissatisfied with Starmer's performance.

- Only around 1/3 of the public think Starmer has done a good job at showing a clear vision for Britain / reason to vote Lab

- Only 1 in 3 think he's ready to be PM
My take? He started well in 2020 but jury is out.

1) Starmer's ratings are better than anything Corbyn/ Miliband tended to get. But heading in the wrong direction.

2) Only 39% of the public say they know 'a great deal' or 'fair amount' about him = opportunity but also a threat.
3) Many will interpret these numbers through partisan / factional lens. Q is what happens from here.

4) Key points are if you don't define yourself others will & Lab has a delicate balancing act between winning over Con voters but not alienating new young / liberal base.
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