Thank you @thismorning for giving me a chance to tall about weight stigma. Well, I would have had a chance had steve miller not felt entitled to talk over me the entire time. It's amazing how some people are not self-aware. But I guess a weight loss guru has a lot to prove
I, on the other hand, stand by everything I said. Whilst I encourage all my patients to eat well and enjoy physical activity, I DON'T weigh them and I DON'T tell them they are ob*se. Why? Because #weightstigma kills. And I recognise that doctors are part of the problem.
Doctor's discriminate against patients because of weight (phelan 2015). Being told you're to blame for your weight problems also damages the doctor patient relationship leading to loss of trust and the ability to communicate well, poor compliance, and healthcare avoidance.
I want to make a few things clear. Being ob*se does NOT increase your chance of dying of COVID (Kooistra 2021). Ob*ese people are NOT at higher risk of hospitalization/ventilation/death from COVID (Ioannou 2020). It's a shame Steve didn't get his facts straight before going on TV
But then again, he is only a diet guru. He has no medical background and no real qualifications to speak of. I'm used to people like him thinking they know more than people like me. And that's ok. If you want #FactsNotFear then check out  a
And remember, people like Steve Miller profit from telling you that losing weight benefits your health. Healthcare professionals like me who are fighting against weight stigma recognise that HEALTH IS A PRIVILEGE NOT AN ACHIEVEMENT.
You can follow @thefatdoctoruk.
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