The Daily Express...

Dec 2009 vs today
Today's Daily Express really is something to behold (esp given the paper's 'previous' on climate change)...

"We need to change our mindset…Over the coming months, the Daily Express will highlights the problems and point to solutions"
The Daily Express's new "crusade" spreads over pages and pages of today's edition...
And it even gives over its whole op-ed pages to the topic:

"The moment is ripe for a green crusade, infused with moral purpose and practical concern. Our govt must lead the way by promoting green policies, inc tax incentives and subsidies to support carbon reductions"
But perhaps most remarkable is the "journey" that Express columnist Leo McKinstry has been on...

2013: "Global warming is nothing more than an expensive con"

Today: "Without bold action, the climate crisis will deepen"
It's actually worth zooming in on the ComRes polling in the Daily Express's coverage...

"The figures contradict previous messages from some parties that the environment is a low priority for voters, and point to a mandate for action."
It's now DAY TWO of the Daily Express's new "Green Britain Needs You" campaign...
And Day Two also includes another op-ed page, with both an editorial and a columnist (Stephen Pollard, who not longer ago used to regularly rage against the "green obsession")
It's worth saying that the Sun newspaper has today also now launched its own "Green Team" campaign...
Here's Day Three of the Daily Express's new "Green Britain Needs You" campaign...
And here's Day Four...
Here's Day Five...
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