Hard to swallow pill: your appearance isn't an issue, even if you fail to meet every single beauty standard in the world your appearance still doesn't define you. It might make things harder for you in this late stage capitalist wasteland we live in but you gain nothing from+
Hyperfocusing on your looks and bullying yourself. You only ruminate over your negative thoughts about your appearance because blaming every single one of your issues on it is easier than actually looking for solutions for your actual problems. It's easier to+
Abuse yourself over your weight or your nose or your hair than face your trauma and start healing. It's easier to research about plastic surgery than to find a good therapist that you can afford and will help you.
The truth is that even if you looked like beyonce or henry cavill your issues wouldn't disappear, you wouldn't become more lovable or less depressed.
And yes, people judge others when they don't look like the capitalist, white supremacist beauty ideal. But instead of blaming yourself for not looking that way and constantly whining about it or planning to spend money to change yourself you should be uniting with others to+
Fight this goddamn system. Getting surgery MIGHT (not even guaranteed) make you align with the beauty ideal a bit more but that would only marginally benefit you. Others would stay in the position you were in. Fight the goddamn system so that doesn't happen.
The people that will love you in this life, who will truly love you and stand by you don't love you for your height or your low weight or your silky hair. Even if you had all the fucking surgery in the world you're still going to grow old and wrinkly and lose your hair
And your teeth and your muscles. Fight the system that oppresses people on the basis of their appearance and how monetizable it can be. Beauty that aligns with that ideal is at best temporary and it's unattainable by most
That's what makes it so profitable. They sell you something you can't achieve so you keep obsessively consuming with no real results.
Are there systemic issues that make it harder for you if you don't align to the beauty ideal? Yes, absolutely. You know what doesn't fix that? Moping around and whining and feeling sorry for yourself for not looking like the people on TV. That's what the capitalists want.
They want your misery because it makes them money. Your only good pathway is to fight the system and accept yourself. Love yourself even. That makes them angry because they can't make money out of you loving the ever living shit out of your body
It's normal to feel bad or sad or upset. Feel those feelings but then let them go. Do not hang on to them. Let them go and love yourself as much as you fucking can. Your youth will fade, fillers will dissolve, weight will change and hair will fall
But nobody can take your love for yourself away from you. Your personality, your passion, your will... That's something that doesn't fade with age. The ideal look changes with the market but a good personality is a good personality all over the world
And that's it. That's all.
If someone wants to keep feeling sorry for themselves they can do so all they want but it's not gonna solve shit. You gotta want to get better in order to get better and no meds no support group or therapy can help you if you wanna stay in the hole
This isn't a vague tweet towards anyone but myself. I'm just reminding myself of what's what
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