Lies of the BBC in Alleging Systemic Rape by Chinese Against Uyghurs - Sign the Petition!


Kindly sign and RT if it is agreeable to you. 
Is this tit for tat? partially maybe. More importantly, it's to protect PRC citizens from fake news. If #bbcnews wish to peddle unverified sensationalised stories, expect to be banned.

Oh and good morning all. Brand new year and a brand new day.

"We cannot verify the truthfulness this report..." But let's print it anyway

House of Lords:

"No human right to disseminate information that is not true and no public interest is served by communicating misinformation..."
Apologies to all who have signed and RT'd the Petition against BBC's false reporting re the Uyghurs. I am sorry to inform that @Change have taken it down without stating any reason why. Everything stated in the Petition was backed by relevant links and facts. This is ridiculous.
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