If I see another remainer complaining about “special treatment for musicians” I think I’ll scream.

This is literally how you make the case for rejoin.

Group after group, sector after sector campaigning for “special treatment”...& that special treatment is...being in the EU. https://twitter.com/ruddick/status/1358432413190397954

Every single group, demographic or sector campaigning for their freedom of movement are literally reinforcing the message that what they have now is worse than before...

...and remainers are complaining?

..and if musicians do get “special freedom of movement treatment” then what happens next..?

...everyone will want it.

This is how we get back in - by creating ambassadors for alignment & rejoin.

So everyone come on & back the musicians and rejoin will have the best tunes..

This is a win-win situation for rejoin.

If musicians don’t get freedom of movement then rejoin has a permanent, cool & (literally) vocal ally.

& if it does get FofM then every other industry sector & demographic will want it too.

This is literally the way back to rejoin.

And every time a group wins freedom of movement...2 things happen, it:

1. Loudly communicates the fact that what people had before in EU was better
2. Creates & encourages ever more groups to demand freedom of movement.
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