Every argument that's being used to justify allowing male athletes to compete in female sports can also be used to justify allowing adults to compete in children's sports.
There is no one way for our bodies to be. People of all ages, including the trans-aged, have a range of different physical characteristics. Age is not binary! There are no set hormone ranges, body parts, or chromosomes that all people of a particular age have.
Trans-aged athletes vary in athletic ability just like cis-aged athletes. In many states, the very same cis-aged children who have claimed that trans-aged athletes have an "unfair" advantage have consistently performed as well or better than trans-aged competitors.
Excluding trans-aged children hurts all children. It invites age policing that could subject any child to invasive tests or accusations of being "too old-looking" or "too good" at their sport to be "real" children.
Trans-aged people, like all people, may experience detrimental effects to their physical and emotional wellbeing when they are pushed out of affirming spaces and communities. Efforts to exclude trans-aged children from children's sports can undermine team unity.
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