Ok so as late as I am I just got around to watching the last episode of Veronica Mars. I just finished the last episode about an hour ago and I am pissed. There was no point in killing off Logan to then say no season 5. If your gonna end it 1/?
At season 4 there was no reason for this unwanted death. Also there was no reason in coming back at all. Especially if the writing is gonna be this lazy all if Veronicas friends were just side characters her Dad and even her. We spent more time with these 2/?
Drug Cartel guys than Veronica herself when shows have a “reunion” They usually spend time delving into the returning characters backstories what they have been up to. However literally none of that was done even for the characters who didn’t appear in 3/?
the 2014 movie I was honestly so disappointed with the way they treated Wallace. I get that childhood best friends drift apart with age. If Wallace was only gonna be in about 3 scenes what was the point of bringing him back. Also what was the point of 4/?
A newfound friendship with the bar girl if they were just going to leave it at the bugging confession. Sure Nicole kicked her out of her office but that doesn’t mean the friendship was over. Nothing in this show was ever made 100% clear us viewers had to 5/?
So much work to figure out what the fuck was even going on. Anyways this new season was shit lazy writing. They shouldn’t have killed Logan off after spending three seasons and a movie developing their relationship. I thought Veronicas dad was more likely to die than Logan.
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