I’m going to bed but I just wanted to say that I didn’t have the best childhood growing up and sports were always my biggest and easiest escape from everything around me.

I became a Patriots fan around 2001. (1/?)
For those that don’t know the story, I had a mentor growing up (like a big brothers/big sisters type deal) and his family is from Massachusetts. He got me into them.

I was 6 years old, so it sounds bad that I got into them right when they got good, but hey, timing. (2/?)
Like I said, not the best childhood and being disabled made it that much harder to escape the situation at home.

Some of my best and happiest memories growing up are mine because of Tom Brady. (3/?)
Is it weird to see him in Tampa? Of course. Do I wish he won the game tonight as a Patriot? You’re goddamn right I do.

But I’m so happy for him and Gronk too. Those guys killed themselves every year so I could have an escape one day a week from September to February. (4/?)
Call me a frontrunner or a bandwagoner or a fake fan because I’m not a New Englander, I really don’t care. I’ve been hearing it for 20 years.

Tom’s given me more than most of you know, I love the guy dearly and I’ll always be thankful. I hope he wins 5 more. He deserves it.
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