I know many of you who have followed me for a while know that I have talked about violence against nurses before, but I feel the need to address it again.
Yesterday I saw a male physician on this app tell a nurse practitioner who was discussing dealing with aggressive patients that “he had never met a patient that couldn’t be reasoned with before”.
He minimized and gaslit the experience that most nurses, and frankly most healthcare workers (70% of which are now female) deal with on a regular basis, and I found it extremely hurtful to have a male medical professional dismiss what is a huge problem in healthcare.
And as I said earlier, this isn’t a nursing only problem, although nurses do experience more violence statistically.

“70% of emergency department physicians reported being victims of workplace violence, but only 3% said they pressed criminal charges”
I am not saying that healthcare workers have no room for improvement in communication or empathy with patients, but I find that we are often blamed in situations of violence against us and the question by management or leadership is

“What could you have done better?”
I have been hit, pushed and had violence threatened against me by male patients twice my size.

My sister was punched in the abdomen while visibly pregnant while being a nurse in the emergency room.

She was discouraged from pressing charges.
I’m not saying that learning to communicate better or learning de-escalation doesn’t help, but I find it completely victim blaming to tell healthcare workers they’re responsible if they are verbally, physicially, or sexually assaulted in a healthcare settting.
I am very happy if you, as a healthcare worker, have never ever experienced aggression or violence in the workplace that couldn’t be managed by good communication.

But that is not the experience of most healthcare workers, most of which are women.
The things we know help workplace safety:

- proper staffing ratios
-proper security
-proper care settings

Unfortunately these things cost money to those who run hospitals and therefore the value of workplace safety isn’t at the forefront.
I apologize if this was a repeat of things I’ve shared previously, but I felt given the comment I saw yesterday that it bared repeating.
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