Here's what I believe is what's happening from a game theory perspective:

Liberal media has always portrayed Asians through the lens of the Model Minority Myth, that we are the "good" immigrants because we pulled ourselves by the bootstraps and made it in America.

They portray poor white conservatives or Asian Americans as the true "racists" against Black/Brown communities, because liberal policies that pretend to help Black communities are racist against Asian Americans and we protest against it.

When they cite our "overrepresentation numbers", they make it seem like affirmative action is NOT racist against Asian Americans, while leaving out the fact that the Hart-Celler Act purposely took our best minds from Asia. H1b visas specifically selected for STEM trained ppl.

It's very similar to how white supremacists tell Black people to stop complaining because wealthy Black NBA/NFL players, celebrities, musicians, actor exist, using the most talented and successful of our tribe and trying to paint us all as privileged, moreso than whites.

White libs love to claim that we are not oppressed and bring up income numbers, cherry picking a stat that doesn't account for:

- generational wealth vs income
- Asians clustered mostly in urban areas with higher CoL
- largest income disparity
- aforementioned selection bias

White liberals want to paint Asians as "honorary whites". Why? Because when material conditions worsen to a point where poorer communities resort to crime, they need a scapegoat to take all the blame while they chill out and watch the fireworks.

Just like anti-Blackness is in the fabric of this country's history, Sinophobia and anti-Asian racism is baked into American culture and took a huge climb during the Cold War, in a concerted effort to demonize the USSR and China.

America as a whole is anti-Asian racist, and so people of all races have innate anti-Asian racism. Just as some Asians are racist towards Black people, some Black people are racist towards Asians. When you take part in white supremacist rhetoric, you are racist.

So once covid hit, and Trump racialized the virus, it added fuel to the flames of sinophobia. The already baked in racism was afoot, and initially we saw a bit of violent racism from everyone of any race for the first few months of the pandemic.

Once George Floyd protests started, it threw a monkey wrench into everyone's racial awareness. The BLM movement was a rallying point for all PoC to join against the injustices of white supremacy. Protests were happening nationwide and Karens were getting called out.

However, as corporations started to co-opt BLM and slowly squeeze out the movement, the revolutionary tenor died down and it started to fall apart with no strong central organization and the unity between groups began to dissolve.

By not reporting how Asian Americans have struggled during the pandemic, however, white liberal media continued to attempt to make us our to be "honorary whites" by omission. They knew that there was still anger at white supremacy and they needed a scapegoat.

We are seeing a repeat of the LA Riots. I share this thread all the time because it is a microcosm of Asian/Black relations and is constantly misconstrued by both the right and the left, without ever asking Koreans their perspectives.

In liberal urban cities, such as SF/LA/NYC, these conditions are met:

- liberal mayor
- large Asian and BIPOC communities (many poor)
- uber wealthy white liberals in control of Silicon Valley, Wall St. and Hollywood

Poverty increases crime. So the poorest communities in these liberal cities during a pandemic where our now liberal government refuses to dish out checks immediately, are more and more falling into drugs, gangs, homelessness, etc.

So this is where game theory comes in. If I were a criminal of any ethnicity, here's what I would think:

- Who has (perceived) money?
- Who can't defend themselves?
- Who is it socially acceptable to attack?
- Who won't the police protect during this time?

Asian seniors.

Many of the desperate people in these cities are POC, not white. It's an unfortunate situation but I have to call it out for what it is, crimes of opportunism. If I were a criminal, I'd attack Asian seniors too, it'd be the lowest risk crime to do.

In addition, these senseless murders/acts of violence that aren't even monetarily related are most likely gang initiation rites, as gang activity during economic stress has gone up noticeably in the Bay Area.

Asians are not underreporting these crimes when the race is white. Our boba liberals have been down white people's throats for shit like mahjonggate, kung fu vagina and all the weird Karen shit. You think they'd remain quiet if a white person actually fucked someone up?

Again from a game theory perspective, since most whites in these areas are relatively wealthy, they have the most to lose in terms of social capital/cancellation, by overtly acting out. We saw the Prudential guy in the OC get rekt after verbal abuse to an Asian woman.

Don't get me wrong, white people are racist towards Asians in insidious ways, from employment practices from hiring to promotion, capitalizing on Asian culture with appropriation and fetishization. They hold all the levers in society, from government, big business and media.

That's the frustrating part when Asian communities are asked to check their anti-Blackness. What does that mean collectively as a group? We do not influence anything in government, big business (for the most part) and media, what power do we have to change structural racism?

Yes, there are Asian conservatives who are anti-Black. Yes, many have fallen into the assimilation trap of assuming Americans (which meant white people) were their friends. Coming from war torn Cold War countries, our 1st generation parents have a lot of love for whiteness.

However, they didn't grow up here, didn't speak the language, and most don't know what the culture of white supremacy is (though because of 2020, they are beginning to learn). Do they deserve to be slaughtered because of this?

So to recap:

- white liberals made Asians look to be "honorary whites"
- covid -> anti Asian racism taken to next level
- George Floyd protests and then died down -> unity in disarray
- economic conditions -> increase crime in urban areas with high POC populations

- most of the white anti-Asian crimes in urban areas, "white collar" racism
- Several BIPOC in urban areas, violent crimes against our most vulnerable as easy targets that no one will protect

The other factor is the boba liberal culpability in all of this. Asian liberals knew that the dominant cultural narrative at this time is BLM, so they were afraid of calling this out because they didn't want to seem like they were "derailing" the anti-police narrative.

However, by not saying anything at all about it, there was a disconnect between what Asian Americans were experiencing and what they saw boba liberals talking about: stinky food narratives. This probably was infuriating as even our own media people weren't saying shit.

Who was reporting on it? Only Asian outlets, and while some of them are left leaning, some of them were not. Right wing Asian outlets editorialization was definitively anti-Black. But they gained the trust of the community because they were reporting on what we were seeing.

However, when they are the only ones reporting these crimes, Asian Americans started to gravitate towards them, as they saw them as some beacon of truth. And with that, they eat up white supremacist narratives to feed into a pro-cop anti-Black agenda.

Actual white right wing establishments and conservatives have also been picking up on these stories as well and are pretending to be "allies" with Asians when they really want to justify a pro-police anti-Black agenda.

My anger is with:

- white liberals for creating this scenario
- Asian liberals for staying silent and opening the door for right wing Asians to gain influence
- white conservatives for opportunistically using our narrative for their purpose (as in the Yale case)

Hopefully this clears up a lot of things for folk. I'll pin this for now as I think it may help clarify things about what I'm talking about.

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