Just putting this out there, but it's not cool to poo-poo on anyone for playing a Mega Man game (or any game) on a lower difficulty. It's okay if you play on easy or what have you! You do you, you know?
There's some age-old, toxic elitism out there surrounding difficulty. The notion that you "didn't really beat the game if you played it on easy!" is dumb. I mean cmon; it's not a contest. Play however you like! All that matters is the value you get out of your play. It's okay!
The older I get + mounting adult responsibilities certainly cuts into game time. So yeah, I do find myself playing games on an easier difficulty from time to time. I still have fun with it and, when there is more time to invest, I'll likely play it again on a higher setting.
Anyway, point is, don't knock anyone for how they play a game... unless their play negatively impacts others (cheating, bots, harmful or innaporpate messages). That's no good.
I'd like to add that if I ever made you feel bad about playing on "easy mode" long ago, I sincerely apologise. Know that it came from a place of grey matter; an immature teen who didn't know any better.
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