ever since i started using a twt demetricator a while ago the bird app has started feeling quiet the way i like how t umblr feels quiet, feels good to just look at content and talk with people without being constantly reminded about numbers which stresses me out
highly recommend if you've been on the fence, you can toggle it on and off too
i'll always be thankful that my formative fanart posting years took place on sites where you could just post stuff and forget about it bc they weren't designed to notify you every time someone interacted with a post to make you feel like you had to work to increase engagement
and obvi nothing wrong with working to increase engagement on your posts, my criticism is of apps and how they use notifications to addict us to them
anyways this is a ramble but i was just thinking about how if i'd started out posting art on twt when i was younger i probably would have gotten discouraged really quickly because of the way the app works
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