Let me be as frank as possible @dhume. India and many other countries find global liberalism and certain forms of universalism as itself a form of conspiracy by developed countries to not allow us to organise, maintain order and grow peacefully. (1) https://twitter.com/dhume/status/1358479858318327813
How much of inequitable virtues was the industrial revolution that made Europe was built on. It was built on colonisation & oppression of natives and plundering their natural resources. They had order & prosperity at home because they wrecked oppression & plunder abroad. (2)
With regards to America’s rise it is even more appealing. America, literally is a country of tax evading foreigners who came and destroyed native population and brought in slaves from Africa at historical levels to build a nation for 200 years. Americans systematically (3)
went about annexing territories of what they called “conquering the frontier” and taking colonies off French and Spanish in the name of “freedom”. All this while maintaining the highest number of slaves in the world. (4)
And when a civil war broke to secede and create a confederacy, Lincoln didn’t offer to negotiate but went to war. Because he recognised that nation state is supreme and secession is a dangerous game to be allowed to play. (5)
The Westphalian nation state system was not created in vacuum but in an environment that was unique to Europe at that time. Warring mono-ethnic mono lingual nations that had wealth but not peace and order. (6)
With the Westphalian system forced on India, it is imperative that Indian state accumulates wealth and power to establish peace and order in the neighbourhood before justice and equity are talked about within the society.
The Western liberalism and progressivism are trying to impose the laws and norms of monotheistic mono ethnic mono-linguistic industrialised 120 persons/sq km societies to polytheistic multi ethnic multi linguistic 400 persons/sqkm post colonial, non industrial, society. (7)
India is not US with a curry. Stop assuming it or trying to make it to be so. As I’ve said earlier somewhere, different countries have different journeys to take. Insisting on the “one true path” to social empowerment is ignorance at best, or sinister conspiracy at worst. (9)
In the global liberalism high table virtue signallers with at the table while often time, honest working societies who have no time for such BS are on the menu along with basket cases like Somalia, Yemen, N Korea, China, Middle East etc. (10)
When you raise voice more for an entitled Land stover driving farmer in Punjab than for the persecuted Uyghurs in Xinjiang or Tibetans in TAR, or For women’s rights most Islamic countries, your foundation of moral high ground is already 100 ft below the ground. (11)
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