Warning to Working Wives ⚠ #DezNat ⚠
A word of warning is in order about wives going out to work. They leave their
husbands each day and work often in the presence of other men where they are
exposed to flirtations, displays of interest and affection, and confidences
in a situation freed from family concerns and thus inducing the relaxation in
which romantic attractions can develop. This setup can be fraught with danger to
the home.
Of course it is recognized that some widows and occasionally wives with families
at home must work to support their families. But this ought not to be done where
Mothers of unmarried children should come home and, where necessary,
let standards of living and luxury reduce to a point where the salary of the
husband will suffice. The numerous luxuries are far too costly when a marriage
and children's welfare are on the scales
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