Doctors are dumb, actually. Their field demands only rote memorisation of data and procedures. Like women, some may be smart, but none are intelligent. They are also wrong and hippocritical, they only harm and do not heal, but you already knew that.
Reminder "healthcare professionals" are not "life savers", certainly not "heroes", they are the fullest harbringers of death and disease, they cure No Thing, emprison you into miamic death dens, pastel nurses of sass the idiot executioner for the Antihippocrates, MD.
To doctors: you must understand I stand on the side of truth, I suggest you look into iatrogenesis statistics - western medicine is health's world's greatest danger, western doctors are blindly responsible for most death occurring in the world.
Poorly researched, poorly trained, and poorly incentivised, that the meass murder is institutionalised does not forgive your complicity. You must look past the dogma, understand the alternative, and realise the path you follow is an incorrigible one. You heal no thing.
It is with only immense love and empathy that I direct the people away from your malicious hands. I ask you, ask yourself: Have you or any of your peers truly held up to your only oath, and really done No Harm?
Know, that for every unneeded surgery you have "recommended", for every unneeded hospitalisation, every chemical prescription "according to protocol", a karmic thorn is dug in your eternal soul, from which no "abundance of caution" will recover.
You blind ideologue of Death, you will understand: I am the most intelligent and well educated individual that you have ever interacted with in your lifetime, and possibly, with humility, you may know my warnings to be true and REPENT.
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