I learned about a “Race Riot” that happened in 1898 in Wilmington, NC.

The biggest city in NC at the time, with a Black majority. All Republicans.

Black Businesses lined the blocks. Prosperity was reaching all time highs.

White Democrats were like...
Historically, Democrats have always been (andalwayswillbe) the party of White Supremacists.

The founder of the Raleigh News & Observer started fear mongering campaigns about “Negro Domination”.

His Wife said the biggest threat White Women face is Negro Rapists.
Alex Manly, founder of a Local Newspaper called The Daily Record clapped back.

He called out the White Supremacist views of the Democrat Party. He called out the lies of “Negro Rapists” as well.

White Democrats were FUMING. They hated Black Pride and progress.
White Democrats knew that as long as Wilmington had a Republican majority, Blacks were going to flourish.

So they started intimidating Black residents and politicians from voting.

When the threats and verbal abuse didn’t work, they moved on to a more physical approach.
On November 10, 1898.

Fueled by the media, 400 White Democrats, Racists, and Rebel Groups stormed Wilmington to overthrow the Government.

This was a literal Coup. A literal insurrection. They burned down the Daily Record.

Black residents shot back. A small war had begun.
In the end, the White Democrats were victorious.

11 Blacks were killed. 1,000s more fled the city, including the Republican politicians that kept the majority.

The Democrats literally seized an entire city and the media PRAISED them for it.

“White Men Forced to Take Up Arms..”
I made this thread to show y’all the LONG history the Democrat Party has on being extremely Anti-Black.

This is why I cringed watching y’all celebrate states being “blue”.

Watching y’all “Anybody but Trump” Dems back in office.

Your ancestors are extremely disappointed, b.
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