One thing that seems to get lost a lot in the discussion of risk taking and public health and airborne disease is the difference between "my body, my choice" and "your body, my choice."
Smoking is heavily restricted in public places because when someone smokes in a place where other people have to breathe, they are making choices for those other people, relating to their health.
Ownership of venomous reptiles is heavily monitored and restricted because while I ABSOLUTELY have the right to stick my hand in the taipan, if I can't be trusted not to let it get loose and bite your toddler, I shouldn't have it.
We don't demand that people show they don't have high blood pressure before we sell them coffee, or that they don't have diabetes before we sell them sugar. Their bodies. They can choose what goes into them.
But we DO demand that people not pee on the sidewalk, or walk barefoot into restaurants. We observe certain hygiene standards in order to maintain health and safety for everyone.
"Please wear a mask so you don't breathe directly on other people during an airborne pandemic" is no more a matter of restricting your freedoms than "please wear pants, so I don't have to have opinions about your anal hygiene."
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