From the last day of 2020. I got the usual push-back for calling the new variant a "ticking time bomb". Alarm isn't alarmism if it's warranted. Now it's more than a month later, and I'll repeat. We. Will. Get. Hit. With. This—moderated by our vaccination rates and our measures.
When a pathogen changes & when we're facing an exponential threat, first, the response has to be to adjust ourselves defensively, despite the uncertainty and then, if warranted, adjust it again as information comes out. "We don't know yet" is a cause for *more* action, not same.
Oh look, what the county that had open schools, indoor dining and concerts for all of last year was doing one year ago today. (Exponentials: one gets ahead of them very quickly or one gets steamrolled. Vaccination: exponentials that work in our favor).
Be more strict for the time being. Better masks if you have to be indoors with others. I've cut down on optional things I was cautiously doing; will re-evaluate in March. (I do volunteer at a vaccination clinic—wearing an N95—but that's a *worth it* risk.)
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