Don’t like the way the world is heading? Do you think something needs to change? Jesus. That’s it. Everything else is just like putting a dirty used band aid on a breaking dam. Like the Titantic is hitting the ice burg and you’re reaching for some silly putty to repair the hull.
All the politics, and the advice, and the Facebook posts, and all the other lesser things people will cause division in the body of Christ over are band aids, when we could be people whose first and only answer is Christ crucified for sinners and raised from the dead.
Jesus as Lord and savior, supreme above all other things. That’s what heals the world.
That’s what heals your heart. That’s what raises you from the dead and raises you from the floor when everything else crashes around you. Do not accept substitutes. Rise above the petty answers of this world, do not get caught up in the wishy washy movements of history.
Nations come and go, politicians come and go, technology comes and goes, Jesus Christ is forevermore.
I suggest you put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus today, even if you don’t have a lot of faith and trust left, give Him what you have. Life is brutally painful at times. Trust feels like it evaporates in the face of such irresponsible faithlessness and hypocrisy.
At times it may feel like you just don’t have any faith or trust left to give anybody or anything, much less Christ. But you see, He loves you with all that He is, and with all of His blood, and all of His life, He has loved you.
So I say, give Him all the faith and trust you have left, and see where He takes you.
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