⭐Fixed Star Regulus⭐

Shout out to @cielosueloastro who has been super generous with me re: fixed star knowledge, and @feralvenefica who read my chart on the stars. Both of y'all have done tremendous work in making these stars accessible to a larger audience. Thank you!
I think, if I had read the star story of Regulus at a younger age, I would have thought the advice of not taking revenge as something that comes easily to me. Just ignore negative people, that's that.
The key to Regulus isn't to ignore harm or wrongdoing, it's to respond to it in a way that honors the other person's humanity. while also being sure that *no one accepts crumbs on your behalf*. It's a tricky line to walk.
There is an expectation that you model the behavior of leadership - even in the smallest interactions. Tipping well because you understand the experience of a service worker. Intervening when someone is causing harm. Standing up for friends, even when it is hard, bc it is right.
In Caribbean and West African cosmologies & mythology, with many stories of loyalty ascending to power, there are initiation rites. A trial that someone goes to as they ascend to holding the responsibility of the wellbeing of community.
It's different than Western understandings of royalty - with a focus on power, leisure, and decadence.

Let's look at Regulus in the Black Panther movie [spoiler alert!].
We see T'Challa, the new king, undo the revenge his father took on his brother for disclosing the whereabouts of Wakanda to the general public. T'Challa's father killed his brother, and left his brother's son without his family, or his community.
When the son, N'Jadaka (Killmonger), comes back to Wakanda and almost kills T'Challa and seizes the throne, T'Challa yells at his ancestors for the harm they caused N'Jadaka. He doesn't seek revenge on him for the harm he caused, even though it would be well within his right.
He also doesn't just lay down and give the kingdom away.

To me - that is the story of Regulus. To hold your leadership that can encapsulate the personal, interpersonal, and systemic.
That royalty and leadership comes with initiation, that you need to be a good person, even when other people don't have to, because there's a bigger world that you're in relationship to.
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