I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover from the psychic damage from witnessing how COVID unfolded on here.
The contrarian fringe loons said this thing was going to be apocalyptic first and they were right and the “sensible people” downplaying it were wrong. But then everyone switched sides after Trump decided he wanted to be wrong and the contrarian thing would be backing Trump.
We were told not to wear masks because they didn’t work and would just spread panic and to “believe science” even though the Asians had scienced and figured out masks were good like 20 years ago in SARS 1.0.
Then they decided okay, fine, masks work. Then all the people who called them out on this BS decided to be anti-mask. When called out on their lying the Very Smart Bluechecks said “science is updating based on new information” even though this info was already available.
Now part of me is like, maybe the Earth is flat, maybe the moon is made of cheese, maybe Finland isn’t real, who the fuck knows? What the hell did I even witness? Am I going crazy?
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