??????????? https://twitter.com/TKispeter/status/1358233816666628099
Am I to understand that someone has put my tweet that Jesus looked like me in a book, and then said I was being anti-Semitic...because I'm Muslim? Really? Is this a real thing?
See, this is why I shouldn't look at my phone first thing in the morning. It's bad to start your day with something so monumentally stupid
If I say that you look like me, and you say that's an erasure because you are of a different faith, which of us is being an asshole? Lmaaoo. I cannot with this.
For those of you who can't see the tweet I quoted, and also because I can't believe these are actual sentences someone published in a book, here it is again.
The simple fact of my being Muslim is apparently enough to claim my tweet about Jesus "tramples on his Jewishness". Hello I am now awake enough to be furious at this offensive absurdity.
I should sue just to get the $8.99 back that I paid to confirm this garbage is actually in his book (it is). And maybe I will.
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