If the partnership don’t look like this, I don’t want it
And people confuse egalitarianism with 50/50. And yes, if you take it literally each person would put in *exactly* half the work.

But humans are complicated. 50/50 is defined by you and your partner in your relationship.
So let’s say you have a full time job and your partner has a part time job. The PT partner may do the house errands/running around to make up for the time the FT partner spends at work.

The main thing is that there is an EQUAL SHARE OF OVERALL LABOR that goes into the house.
Egalitarianism is really doable and easy to maintain until children come into play.

My views on egalitarianism change with the addition of parenthood because more labor is automatically assigned to women running the house/children.

There is a backslide that occurs
Researchers have found the closer couples get to 50/50 in childcare, the healthier the relationship can be for both parties.

But that requires daddies actively being with their children as much as mommies are. WITHOUT MOMMY PRESENT.
... but that problem goes into a bigger issue that obviously leads to patriarchy.

However, there is good news. More men are taking fatherhood/partnership seriously and are helping their partners. So the train is moving in the right direction. Just gotta get more people on it.
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