The amount of “socialism with American characteristics” types out there is always shocking to me, in that I guess I exist in a “hate Amerikkka” bubble. whether it’s the type of socialists I find comradely with or the regular Black and Brown folks in my community, it’s consistent
But the thing is these types are the true inheritors of the American Left. This is not just a common trend but something inherent to the American leftist tradition. True anti-imperialism and anti-American ideology is in a very real sense, abnormal in regards to leftism in the US
The Malcolm X’s, J Sakai’s and Ignatiev’s, or any devoutly anti colonial thinkers are firmly outside their tradition. Theirs is the tradition of the proletariat and thus very distinct. It’s consistent with the thoughts and feeling of the actual Black, Brown, Indigenous workers
White leftists often like to argue that this politic is liberal or petty bourgeoisie but when looking at historical trends, it is this distinct anti colonial politic that resonates with the colonized proletariat. The average BIPOC does not love nor care for the American nation
So then it brings into question, who’s politic is actually proletarian and who’s politic follows a petty bourgeoisie consciousness? Is it the politic that resonates with the colonized or the politics that resonate with the colonizer?
In what sense is your pro American ideology the “correct” path when it is in direct opposition to the interests and security of the real masses? The actual majority of the proletariat consists of colonized peoples. If you aren’t siding with them who are you siding with?
It of course doesn’t need to be said that much of the animosity towards books like Settlers or similar political frameworks is rooted in the fact that these works are *about* the people who are so angry at it. There are material reasons why the broad US left is so colonial minded
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