#BlackHistoryMonth On May 13, 1985 Philadelphia police bombed a residential neighborhood, killing 11 people, including 5 children, and destroying 65 houses and leaving around 250 people homeless.
Prior to the #MOVEbombing, Philly PD fired 10,000 rounds into the neighborhood indiscriminately, ultimately deciding to airdrop military-grade bombs on it, despite knowing that there were many children present.
All in order to capture a handful of members of a group called MOVE, who were resisting arrest.

Let me repeat that: they fired automatic weapons & dropped bombs on a community with children, then allowed the fire to spread, because some people were resisting arrest.
This is the only time Americans have been air-bombed on US soil.

Afterwards, the city rebuilt the buildings they destroyed. They were poorly constructed and fell apart quickly. The community is still scarred to this day.
No one from the government was prosecuted. The same government that tell you to trust them as they strip your right to defend yourself and promise to protect you. History shows they never have, and they never will.
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