One of the things I think Heyer does magnificently in these early chapters is give us a varied and vivid sense of Vidal’s voice as he adapts it so many times for who he’s speaking to: 1/12 #georgetteheyerreadalong
So we have his drawling irony amongst friends, “be calm my loved one, I drive best when I’m drunk” 2/12
badinage with Juliana “Ill-judged my dear, I do not contemplate marriage either with her or with you” 3/12
Careless charm with Fanny “console yourself with the reflection I shall cause neither you nor Juliana unhappiness” 4/12
Dawning respect with Comyn “you will do very well in our family” (the ultimate salute) 5/12
his affectionate mocking of Rupert “how long has he known you Rupert? Then I don’t suppose he does”, 6/12
his adoration of his mother “my dear and only love”, 7/12
his respect for his father - subordinate: “a mistake I admit, I’m sorry for it” irritable: “you go too fast for me”, but also fond: “I beg you will not attempt it sir” 8/12
his arrogance with staff “damn you, stop whining”, 9/12
his overbearing wooing of Sophia “I want you, will you come to me?” 10/12
and then his utter misogyny and ruthlessness with generic women as he perceives her in the inn with Mary “do you understand, wench?” 11/12
They are all such different voices, some likeable, some revolting but each one so authentically Vidal - she’s AMAZING. 12/12
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