Given grad school interview season is upon us, here are some tips and thoughts from a current grad student who just finished virtual internship interviews: 🧵(1/11)
1. Be comfortable – people only see half your body, so take advantage and don’t wear a full suit! I wore pjs, sweats, yoga pants, and slippers on my bottom half 🧦(2/11)
2. Prepare snacks/food ahead – every site will do lunch differently, so keep munchies prepared when you get hungry! I lived off microwave chicken tikka masalas 🥫(3/11)
3. Virtual backgrounds are ok! I used a virtual background for most interviews – some were provided for us by the site to standardize the experience for all applicants. (4/11)
4. Sticky notes are amazing! I peppered the wall behind my computer with sticky notes on things I wanted to remember – easy access to take a quick peak during an interview. (5/11)
5. Interruptions may happen – they can be comic relief, but in no way will play against you! Living in a city, I had honking/siren noises running through mine regularly 🤪 (6/11)
6. Ask about COVID! You want to know how each site has responded to the pandemic – how they support students, how they decide what is in-person, and, yes, VACCINE PLANS. 💉(7/11)
7. Take notes whichever way is easiest for you – some people typed notes during interviews, and others hand wrote them. There is no pressure to use either method! (8/11)
8. Step away from the computer during breaks! Stand, stretch, even walk around your apartment. It is painful to stay in one position. I even got in bed to lay down. (9/11)
9. Tech challenges WILL happen – Get a phone number and email address of someone to call if you get cut out. I found myself in the wrong zoom meeting…twice 👀(10/11)
10. Most important: Be forgiving! To yourself, to faculty, to students. Virtual interviews are a first for everyone. We’re all in the same boat! 🚣‍♀️ (11/11)
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