Fascinating data from the latest @LBRUT transport committee.
Bear with us, because there's some data.
This is the people who responded to a survey about Barnes High Street 1/...
And this is how they reported normally arriving there.

Note the high levels of walking, which is great.
Considering the distances, it's obviously a disappointment that cycling is only 7%
So here's where it is quite interesting.
This is 15 minutes' walk from the High Street.
And 15 minutes' cycle from the High Street.
It's when you look at the map data like this, you realise how actually disappointing the 27% of driven journeys are, because it seems very unlikely that fully a quarter of all shopping trips to Barnes High Street is genuinely doing so much shopping you couldn't use a bike 4/...
Even a ten minute bike journey covers the vast majority of respondents.
Which does seem to say that there's still things we could do to encourage cycling.
Committee papers here: https://cabnet.richmond.gov.uk/documents/g4989/Public%20reports%20pack%20Thursday%2011-Feb-2021%2019.00%20Transport%20and%20Air%20Quality%20Committee.pdf?T=10 5/end
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