Infinity Train has tackled empathy, identity and narcissism in nuanced ways few other television series could capture, throughout the 3 installments we have thus far.

It'd be foolish to hold animation back as a medium if we never got more.

Book 1 sets itself up to have you think it's a traditional adventure about Tulip having to come to terms with her parents' divorce - but what places her on the train is the lack of empathy she has towards her parents, and learning empathy for Amelia is what rewards Tulip her exit
Book 2 explores MT - the physical embodiment of Tulip's reflection...but she's not Tulip.

She's not sure who she is, what she identifies herself as, etc. All the while, on the run from oppression incarnate, and helping a passenger who's identity is decided by those around him.
Book 3 is all about people who think they're right about everything, their trauma and bad experiences clouding their judgement in fear of being hurt again.

What happens when two misguided people lead a cult? When one realizes they're wrong, and the other doubles down?
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