I can't say enough good things about Secretary Shultz. When I was 22, I was a researcher for a project he chaired at Hoover, under my mentor and Shultz's "right hand man" Abe Sofaer. https://twitter.com/HotlineJosh/status/1358464106383241216
It was my first "real" job and I was ignorant as to how extraordinary it was that I stumbled into getting to work for a great man. He would often pull me aside to tell me the stories of the various pictures in conference room (and yes, his trains as well).
I often did not know the history, but I in awe that I got to hear the stories from a person who helped shape history. Secretary Shultz was also kind to me. He taught me a lesson which I hope never to forget:
notice and respect the people around you, including the youngest research assistant in the place! On occasion, he would bring me the platter of leftover conference sandwiches. He'd tell me to bring them to my roommate since he was sure we could use a free lunch as recent grads.
I got to witness how kind he was to his wife, Charlotte. How he scrambled to help her get back to the States when we were at a conference in Japan so she could be there for friends going through a family emergency.
I saw how he would surround himself by people who challenged (and disagreed with) him--Sid Drell, in particular.
Little tidbits here and there. Lessons gleaned from spending time with someone who had a life well lived. It was truly an honor.
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