Being an entrepreneur is very difficult.

No one on Twitter (or any social media for that matter) talks about how hard it is to be an entrepreneur.

Most people don't even know that entrepreneurs live among them, as functional members of society.

Time for a thread.
The first thing you must know about being an entrepreneur is that no one will ever give you recognition.

That is why you must post formatted threads on Twitter talking about entrepreneurship.

Another thing that works: Screaming "I'm an entrepreneur!!! REEEE!!!" daily.
The second thing you must know about entrepreneurship is that it involved a lot of #HUSTLE. Most people do not know how much #HUSTLE entrepreneurship requires.

Those people will never be entrepreneurs.
Being an entrepreneur requires #INNOVATION. Few people know this, but there is no "right way to succeed" as an entrepreneur. You must #INNOVATE.

The only way to succeed: Find an audience. Build a product with them. Sell.

It's not rocket science.
Wait, did I just contradict myself?

No. Because I'm an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs never contradict themselves.

Try to keep up.

Unlike my employees, who quit. They were not cut out to be entrepreneurs.
May people do not understand how many times you will fail as an entrepreneur.

Here is a generic quote from Thomas Edison.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
Does my life SUCK because I'm an entrepreneur? YES.

But I WELCOME failure! I WELCOME the #HUSTLE! I respond wiht #INNOVATION!

I am happier than you will ever be at your corporate job!!! Fuck you!
THESE are the things folks don’t talk about. (At least not since the last entrepreneurship thread that was posted like 4 hours ago.)

You hear about the money, private jets, wins.
You don’t hear about the struggles that come along with building an airplane as it’s ascending into the air.

With no parachutes on board.

And it makes you fucking scared.

And anxious. And doubtful.

And absolutely miserable.
More people need to know about this because not enough entrepreneurs post about how hard it is to be an entrepreneur.

And that is why I posted this thread. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
You can follow @CaptainNasdaq.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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