Tomorrow Windsor City Council will debate the new economic development L.I.F.T. strategy. It has been commented on by @CivicsCom, @Frazier_Fathers and @RCPWindsor and I commend their comments to you.

Mine are going to be more in the realm of ethics. 1/n
The Location, Infrastructure, Future Economy and Talent (L.I.F.T) strategy proposes the creation of a "special delivery unit" at City Hall overseen by the Mayor.

Leaving aside the continuing consolidation of power in the mayor's office (a growing concern), what arises? 2/n
Just this year Judge Marrocco issued his findings in the Collingwood Inquiry. He made some very important recommendations for all municipalities, two of which I want to highlight:

1) The Mayor as CEO is only one vote and the mayor cannot speak for or bind Council. 3/n
2) Placing the economic future of our community into this 'special delivery unit' under the Mayor creates significant ethical risk. Fortuntately the Municipal Act has seen fit to provide for lobbyist registries for municipalities. Judge Marrocco said this: 4/n
I strongly urge Council and the Mayor to add to any resolution establishing the 'special delivery unit' that the city adopt a Lobbyist Registry to protect the public from what will become the hub of development of our city's future. 5/n
Council saw fit to endorse an Auditor General, a role which has been very valuable to Council and the City. A Lobbyist Registry will be no less important and valuable and in my view should be a mandatory element of this new economic development approach. 6/6
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