I've been on most of the calls: these people are zealous morons. The list of cancelees came from looking up random facts on Wikipedia (and often not even that, cf. the Paul Revere confusion). It was college-freshman-after-the-third-bong-hit level shit.
A question about the actual historical truth of an allegation regresses into a string of political buzzwords, along with a knee-jerk allegation of discrediting.

Objectivity doesn't exist, only ideology does.
'Uplift', 'hold space', 'dialogue', 'discrediting', 'heal'....the entire interview is a catalog of meaningless progressive verbiage, a combination of touchy-feely group therapy and Maoist struggle session.
Mind you, these are the same people who SPEND HOURS discussing who to cancel, and yet have no apparent plan for opening schools (she's lying through her teeth...there's no schedule for opening).
Speaking of lying, these are the same people who used the pandemic as an excuse to suspend the competitive exam for Lowell (the elite public school), and have now made it permanent. They also deleted their past tweets claiming it would be temporary...Orwell rides again!
To 'uplift' and 'make space' for 'other voices', let's remember the parents who put their disappointed kids on the call, the kids who studied to get into Lowell and now won't attend.

School board to kids: You can fuck right off! We're engineering cosmic justice over here.
This is the horribly racist elite school we're talking about, where EVERYONE (including whites) is severely under-represented, save for Asians. Clearly, this school should be burned to the ground. And it will be. https://twitter.com/antoniogm/status/1314961255052967942
I will go hungry and use my last dime to pay private-school tuition so these blundering dimwits don't get anywhere near my child's mind. But that won't be a solution available to many. They'll be forced to send their kids to some experiment instead. What a waste it all is.
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