[THREAD] More & more people will eventually realize that most of the tenets of their faith are based in myth & not fact. Scholars & many theologians already teach this, but few listen.

When we do sever the cord of mandated tradition, we can look to more logical - and, (1/5)
...yes, compassionate - ways to find meaning, peace, & human organization, without the controlling apparatuses that form around such conspiratorial dictates of fantasy.
It's like Santa Claus. It's fun while you're a child & not yet aware of reality, but it becomes absurd...(2/5)
...as you grow up, and so you abandon it as absolute "truth," but keep the charm of the fantasy, recognizing and acknowledging it for what it is (and perpetuate it for your children) - a salve for our mundane lives. These fantasies have value and are wonderful bonding...(3/5)
...experiences for human societies...but must be recognized for what they are...social constructions.
We must constantly educate and inform ourselves and be on guard...just as many tout, albeit misguidedly, their 2nd Amendment "right" to carry guns for their protection...(4/5)
...against unknown evil...lest we fall for dangerous unrealities while in the process of momentary escape. The danger typically comes where least expected...from within one's own trusted circles.

This is not easy to hear or think about, which, in my view, proves the point. (5/5)
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