Last night I dreamed about giving a keynote called "Helping you C success".

Caring over commerce

I'll break it down...

(2/8) Connecting and Community

Building strong relationships has always been an important part of creating a trusted brand with loyal and passionate customers and employees. The global pandemic has amplified the need to belong, share, learn, smile and laugh.
(3/8) Culture, Camaraderie, Celebration and Compassion

To create a Culture that thrives and grows you need to foster Camaraderie. You need to Celebrate the positives and show Concern and Compassion for the negatives.
(4/8) Channels

You need to reach people where they are. The challenge is tools are always changing. There is always a hot new application or social network. The constant is the people. Find the balance between testing shiny objects while still supporting the tried and true.
(5/8) Communication and Conversation

Communication is about keeping in touch. ex: Broadcasting news and ideas.
Conversation is about listening. Open yourself up to see, hear and understand your employees, customers, partners and even your competition.
(6/8) Coordination and Collaboration

Coordination goes beyond simple project management of task, owner, date & status. Coordination means being on the same page, understanding and agreeing to work towards the same goals.
Collaboration is working together to achieve those goals.
(7/8) Content and Creativity

The types of Content being created today are more engaging and visual then ever before. Videos, infographics, filters, stickers, emoji, 360, 3D, drones, AR/VR and so much more. Creativity should be encouraged and rewarded.
(8/8) Caring over commerce

While (most) businesses exist to sell a product or service, focusing on Caring about your entire ecosystem is more important than just the bottom line. Empathy is just as important as economics. Build trust and loyalty, not just bills and invoices.
You can follow @alanlepo.
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