10 Lessons from HEN:

1. She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them: GOOD PLANNING.

2. When she starts sitting on her eggs, she minimizes movement: DISCIPLINE.

3. She physically loses weight while sitting on her eggs due to decreased feeding: SACRIFICE and SELF DENIAL.
4. She can sit on eggs from another hen: INDISCRIMINATE & GENEROUS.

5. She sits on her eggs for 21days, patiently waiting and even if they don't hatch she will still lay eggs again: FAITH, HOPE & COURAGE.

6. She detects unfertilized eggs & rolls them out: SENSITIVE & DISCERNING
7. She abandons the rotten eggs and starts caring for the hatched chicks even if it is only one: WISE, CONSCIOUS and REALISTIC.

8. No one can touch her chick: PROTECTIVE LOVE.

9. She gathers all her Chicks together: UNITY of PURPOSE.
10. She doesn't abandon her chicks before they mature: MENTORING.

Have a great Sunday!!!
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