[THREAD] This Week’s Top Ideas From Marketers 🚀🧠:

Your ideas are only as good as the content you consume. - @Dmurr68

Customers that pay more, complain less. - @jackbutcher

Marketing Tip:
👉🏽 Authenticity 𝗚𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗦 Communities 👈🏽 - @CardozaGab
People might not understand your product at first.But they understand:
- Stories
- Analogies
- Examples
Use them to your advantage to make your product marketing memorable. - @davegerhardt

Underrated newsletter growth hack:
Hand recruit your first 100 subscribers. - @mkhundmiri
Advertising is like that annoying friend who wants everything to be about them, and marketing is the person everyone knows is a good listener. - @JamesGerber

Social media is rented space.
Get yourself an email list. - @jasonvana
Advertising is like that annoying friend who wants everything to be about them, and marketing is the person everyone knows is a good listener. - @JamesGerber

Stop selling what your product does... Sell the feelings your customer is going to feel because of it. - @sbluth
Are you struggling to understand what *really* motivates your audience to buy?
You can’t rely on data and anecdotes from your team or client alone.
Empathy doesn’t travel through osmosis.
Want clarity?
You need to talk to them. - @KateBour
You wouldn’t ask someone a favor without at least getting to know one fact about them.
Their name, how they take their coffee, etc.
Why should marketing be any different?
Get to know your customers then market to them. Not the other way around. - @pattimmons_
Do you know the difference between Scroll-Through Content and Destination Content?
Destination Content = blog post, podcast, or video you want your audience to check out. This is where the value is stored.
Attention before action. - @stew_hillhouse
Marketers, your job is to give your agency partners the best foundation to produce greatness. If the brief sucks, the agencies shitty work is actually your fault.

Which means you just burned money with nothing to show for it. - @sabrinacaluori
The wrong questions:
- How often do I need to publish?
- What time should I publish?
- Where should I publish?
Look: There’s no rules.
Create content that is educational, entertaining and engaging. Distribute it like your life depends on it.
Rinse and repeat- @TheCoolestCool
If you strive to make exceptional work, don’t be surprised if it’s not popular.
It’s too easy to get jealous of other people’s popularity and success.
But exceptional work and popularity don’t always go hand in hand.
A sobering truth. - @coreyhainesco
Storytelling pro tip:
Focus on making your audience's eyes light up (ELU).
Trying to remember a long list of storytelling tips won’t work. Just stay in the present moment & pay attention to their visceral reactions. Those are the best clues on what to double down on. - @wes_kao
Before any talk, pitch, meeting, or even @joinClubhouse, always ask yourself one question.
"What is the 1 thing you want people to take away?"
This is your North Star and focuses your talk and your answers. - @RobbieCrab
You know 75% of B2B ads are considered ineffective?
An intolerance to risk. We just assume buyers want a rational, feature/benefit-led story, so we dilute our creative to be “taken seriously”.
This is foolish. B2B is driven by emotion. Big wins require big bets. @JasonRBradwell
You can follow @samanthalcc.
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