A thread highlighting Jungkook’s incredible vocals in My Time.
To start it off, let’s first remember what the producer of My Time (SleepDeez) had to say about Jungkook.

To him Jungkook is one of the best singers he has ever heard. My Time was originally down one key, but got raised up one key cause his voice and range were simply amazing.
SleepDeez continued to mention that Jungkook can sing in full voice better than a lot of singers without his voice breaking and having to go into falsetto. This showed in ON, (but it also shows in Euphoria and My Time in which the songs have quite a high placement).
Now onto the first two lines of My Time. Firstly the higher placement in his chest voice, keeping the lightness while Jungkook sings this with such ease. Even when I tried to sing this particular part before, it’s higher than you would expect.
Jungkook seems to have a higher break than most tenors, which is why he can comfortably sing it with ease without having to mix.
Secondly it’s the fast paced changing rhythm. Right from the first line many words come after each other but Jungkook makes sure to deliver them all in a very clean way. The song in general dips and flows, with rap quality showing in certain areas.
Even in the live performance he delivers it well. The fast paced rhythm, his little breath breaks and the clearness of his voice. It showcases Jungkook’s amazing breath control.
This fast paced rhythm also slows down at some parts in which certain words are highlighted. One clear example of this is the way he executes the word ‘movie’. He accentuates certain words and syllables. You can really tell that Jungkook is playing with the rhythm.
My Time is a very difficult song as stated by Namjoon too. It isn’t a song anyone can pull off (since it requires a lot of different skills). It was Jungkook’s amazing ability that made this song the way it is today.
What makes this song so difficult are the fast pace, the rhythm, the vocal layering and multiple adlibs/vocal runs, and the high placement. It’s easy to mess up, or miss a note causing a whole part to sound off.
The fast pace of the song continues after the first two lines, and it shows off Jungkook’s incredible breath control. It’s difficult to sing this many words with only little breath breaks, while the rhythm continues to dip in and out.
Onto the chorus the song becomes flowy, while on the backing vocals and layering more breath is added. This also shows that Jungkook can stylistically implement breath whenever he wants and when needed (considering most of the song is in his chest voice).
To highlight the harmonisations and backing vocal layers more, you can hear more breath is used in them. It’s absolutely beautiful and it adds a whole different sound and dimension to this song.
During the chorus Jungkook is actually also harmonising with himself in his lower register (listen closely). A clear example of Jungkook’s amazing vocal range. I would suggest to listen to this with some headphones.
After the chorus, the song continues back into its bouncy rhythm where Jungkook continues to highlight certain syllables of words like ‘YEsterday’, ‘EVerybody’ ‘WAlked’. Showing the flexibility in which Jungkook moves his voice around while playing with the rhythm.
On top of the rhythm and his incredible vocals. He continues to show his vocal agility the whole song. Just listen to these incredible vocal runs and adlibs. He does some really quick complex vocal runs that are difficult to recreate.
It takes a lot of vocal control to sing such vocal runs quickly and cleanly in tune. Yet Jungkook does it easily and keeps it very neat, without it sounding flat on even one of the notes.
The bridge of My Time is truly the highlight of the song. There are multiple layers going on. The higher note in his head voice, going into a slight vocal run, while the backing vocals and harmonisations can be clearly heard.
What really surprised me was that even in the live performance Jungkook managed to make this highnote sound clear and pleasant. Despite him being slightly out of breath (because of the heavy choreo). That’s a very difficult thing to pull off.
Another noticeable thing about the bridge are his higher harmonisations on some parts as well. It adds so much depth and layers. He really knows how to complement a melody and make it more even more beautiful.
Onto the ending of the song, it’s a bunch of ‘ahs’. This part really showcases his vocal control and agility. He is playing with different notes and patterns but also the rhythm. There couldn’t have been a better way to end this song.
To conclude this thread. It is to no surprise that My Time is the song that left everyone, including music critics speechless. It was even labelled as the most impressive song from MOTS:7 by Kim Youngdae.

Cr. @JJK_Artist and @JJK_Times for the translations.
My Time is a difficult song to pull off that showcased Jungkook’s vocal abilities and growth. From the fast paced and bouncy rhythm, to the high placement in chest voice, to his breath control, vocal agility, higher notes and harmonisations.
A lot of different skills are required to pull this song off. And the only thing left to say is to continue streaming this masterpiece of a song. https://open.spotify.com/track/4vTgx6h4seHvkuFh84JXYP?si=t14wuWUtSXeOdKpSl2xvEg
You can follow @jjkvocal_.
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