Okay. I did it. I finished my blog post that’ll be an open letter to the pentecostal and charismatic Church(es). It’s one of the most vulnerable, soul-bearing things I’ve ever written and I might need a nap after I share it later today. 😱
I don’t think I can explain how many hours I spent writing this. These words are for all my mutuals #onhere who come from Pentecostal and charismatic backgrounds, but cannot go back.
If I can be terribly transparent for a second, I’m hilariously nervous at all the many non-Christian people in my life who might read this and go like: “Wait. Mel... does what? Speaks in tongues? What’s that?” LOL why did I do to myself, I need to hide in a corner for a few days
Also full disclosure: My background is a denominational clusterfuck but charismatic Methodists, non-denominationalists, and Assemblies of God definitely formed my faith and impacted me more than the cessationist Christian spaces I was in.
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