Good listen. Come for the petro-militarism, stay for the interesting comments at the end on changing role of finance in political coalitions 1/
2. TLDR: whereas Republicans (in #cdnpoli Consevatives) are more closely tied to oil interests, Biden/Obama Democrats (ie Trudeau Liberals) are more closely to finance interests.
3. For last century this has largely been a distinction without a difference, as fossil capital & finance capital saw their interests as fully aligned (esp in Canada whose banks are deeply entrenched in extractivist model), but...
4. Currently the banks/investors - under pressure from both climate movement campaigns to target funding of fossil fuels but also plain old reality of extreme weather & shifting markets - are getting concerned about climate risk & stranded assets
5. In spite of all the #cdnpoli rhetoric of oil being the family business, banks are ruthless predators and will happily throw fossil fuels under the bus if they aren’t profitable (not unlike how Big Oil/Gas threw King Coal under said bus)
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