And now for one of the biggest FAQs and sources of confusion and debate in the fanbase: what is Godzilla's gender?

The short answer is that Godzilla is and always has been considered to be a male creature. However, the reasoning behind this is a bit more complicated.
In the Japanese dialogue for the films, Godzilla and all other monsters are referred to with gender-neutral pronouns equivalent to "it," as they are creatures and not people. However, in English dialogue and in dubs and subtitles, Godzilla is typically addressed as male.
Furthermore, Godzilla is often addressed with male-specific terms in both Japanese and English, most notably "King of the Monsters" or "Monster King." This title was first used in the 1956 American re-edit of the original GODZILLA, and has since become synonymous with Godzilla.
Now then, why is there still confusion as to Godzilla's gender? One of the biggest reasons is the presence of his sons, Minilla and Godzilla Junior. However, both of his sons are actually stated to be adopted members of his species, and he is not their biological father.
In his book DEFINITIVE EDITION GODZILLA INTRODUCTION, Tomoyuki Tanaka comments on Godzilla's gender, saying he is a male as evidenced by his fatherly attitude toward Minilla. However, he states that there must be or have been female Godzillas at some point for Minilla to exist.
Now with all of this being said, three incarnations of Godzilla actually CAN reproduce asexually. Most famously, the 1998 Godzilla can lay eggs, however he is still considered to be a male monster, with Dr. Nick Tatopoulous referring to him as "a very unusual he."
Shin Godzilla can reproduce asexually as well, with cells that are separated from his body contiuing to regenerate and potentially forming new creatures. Likewise, cells separated from Godzilla Earth can give rise to new subspecies such as the Servum and Godzilla Filius.
Even the three incarnations of Godzilla that can reproduce asexually are considered male. All of the other incarnations do not have this ability and are considered male as well. Godzilla has never been referred to as female in any of his official appearances.
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